Star Awards
The Oscars of the Maryland multi-housing industry!
The MMHA Star Awards are designed to honor owner manager members and their employees who work hard to make their properties the most outstanding in the Maryland multi-housing industry. All awards are based on nominations from our members, and are judged by a third-party. Nominations open around March with a deadline in early May. All judging takes place from late June through early August; property judging is completed by mid-July. The winners are announced at our formal awards dinner, The Star Awards in October. The Martin Greenbaum Company has been the leading event sponsor for Star Awards since 2011. This event recently moved to Live! Maryland Casino and the evening always includes open bar, excellent food, networking opportunities, and of course what’s a party without a little dancing?!
"The Annual Star Awards gala is the most anticipated event of the year. With this being our 20th year running, we like to call this event the Emmys of Property Management! The Annual Star Awards has grown tremendously with an attendance of over 900 guests in 2016. Without our amazing sponsors, Star Awards committee and talented property management professionals, it wouldn’t be possible. Our award winning categories include individual team members, service teams, communities, and a few other extraordinary categories. This is where you want to be to see the best of the best shine! Come be a part of something amazing!"
- Michelle Thompson, WPM Real Estate Group